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Reflections of a Monkey Intern and some HTCIA observations


Inspired by the approaching 12 month point of my internship andthis Lifehacker article, I thought I'd share some of my recent thoughts/experiences. Hopefully, writing this drivel will force me to better structure/record my thoughts. It's kinda like a memo to myself but feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.


This is vital to any healthy internship. Ensuring that both intern/employer have the same/realistic expectations will help in all other areas.
Initially, I found it beneficial to over-communicate if I was unsure (eg explain what I did and then ask about any uncertainties). Interns asking questions are also a good way for supervisors to gauge understanding. Perhaps the intern's line of questioning might uncover additional subjects which the supervisor can help with.

Take detailed notes of any tasks you have performed. This includes the time spent (be honest!) and any notable achievements/findings. These notes will make it easier for you to communicate to your supervisor exactly what has been done.
Later, you can also use these notes to:
- help you pimp your CV (eg "I peer-reviewed X client deliverable reports") and
- see how far you've progressed (eg now it only takes me Y minutes to do that task).

Goal Setting & Feedback

Having an initial goal of "getting more experience" is OK but when the work load surges/subsides, it's easy to lose track of where your training was up to before the interruption. Regular feedback sessions where both parties can communicate short term goals (eg get more experience with X-Ways) can help keep you on track. They don't have to be long, formal discussions - if things are going well, it might only be a 5 minute conversation.
It's also easy to fall into a comfort zone and say "everythings peachy". Don't leave it all to your supervisor - think about other new skills/tools you might like to learn/apply.
Regular communication with your supervisor about the internship will also encourage/help them think about your progress.

The internship should be geared more for the intern's benefit rather than the employer but it is still a two way street. If you feel like your needs are not being met, speak up but also realise that there's mundane tasks in every job and that you can usually learn something from almost any task. The internship is all about experiencing the good, the not so good and the "I never want to do that ever again!".

Rules & Guidelines

Follow your supervisor's instructions but you don't have to be a mindless robot about it. Whatever the task, try to think of ways to improve/streamline a process/description. eg Would a diagram help with this explanation? Can I write a script to automate this task? Could we word this description better - if so, be prepared to provide alternatives. However, before you implement your game changing improvements, be sure to discuss them with your supervisor first!

Pace Yourself

As an intern, you are not expected to know everything. However, you can't sit on your paws and expect to be taught everything either. I guess it's like learning to ride a bike - your supervisor has done it before but there's only so much they can tell you before it's time for you to do it yourself. Along the way, you might fall/stuff up but that's all part of learning.
Everyone learns at different rates. Try not to get too high/too low about your progress. At the start, it's tempting to "go hard" but interns should also make the time to ensure that they are on-track. In this regard, knowing when to ask for help or for extra info can make an internship so much easier. If something feels like its taking too long, it's probably time to ask your supervisor for help.
Also, allow yourself time to decompress/be simian. This will require you to ask/know what work is coming up. Remember, they wouldn't be taking on an intern if business was slow but interns are (supposedly!) human too. We all need a break now and then. If you have a prior commitment, let your supervisor know as soon as possible.
I have noticed that I tend to get absorbed in a problem and can work long hours on it until it's resolved. However, when that's over, I like to slow things down to recharge the batteries. During this slower period (when the case load wanes), I might be doing research or writing scripts or just relaxing and doing non-forensic stuff. Knowing and being honest about your preferred working style can also help you choose the most appropriate forensics job (eg a small private company vs a large law enforcement agency).

Confidence & Mistakes

Despite my awesome cartooning ability, I would not say that I am a naturally confident and sociable person. New unknowns (eg social situations) can be a little daunting for me. However, I am learning that confidence is an extension of experience. The more experience you get, the more situational awareness you develop. I think this "awareness" can then appear to others as confidence (eg "Oh I've seen this before ... if we do ABC we need to think about XYZ").
I still cringe every time I realise that I've made a mistake but I also realise that mistakes are part of the learning process/experience. The main thing is to get back on the bike and not to repeat the mistake.
I also like to use my mistakes as motivation to achieve something extra positive. For example, if I make a mistake in one section of a report, I use it to as motivation to look for areas of improvement for the other sections. It's kinda corny but this pseudo self-competitiveness keeps things interesting (especially when writing reports).

Use Your Breaks/Free Time Wisely

Like most monkeys, I have found it easier to retain information by doing rather than reading (ie monkey-see, monkey-do). That said, there's no way I'm gonna be able to do everything.
One thing I like to do with my spare time is to try to keep current with DFIR news (eg new tools/technology, popular consumer applications). The trends of today will probably contain the evidence we'll need tomorrow. My approach is to read as many relevant blogs/forums as possible and understand that whilst I may not remember every detail, I understand enough so if/when I need this information, my monkey-brain goes "Yup so and so did a post on this last year" and I can re-familarize myself with the specific details.

Certification ... blech! I have mixed feelings about this. I am sure many recruiters just skim resumes looking for key words such as EnCe or ACE. Knowing a tool doesn't necessarily make you a better investigator. Knowing what artifacts the tools are processing and how they work, does. Writing your own tools to process artifacts? Even better!
However, as an intern looking for a full time job we also have to think of how to sell ourselves to an employer (no, not like that...). ie What skills/experience are employers looking for?
Obviously your chances of landing a full time job improve if you have some (certified) experience with the forensic tools that they use. While I have used various commercial tools for casework, I've also been fortunate that my supervisor has also let me use them to do additional practice cases. This has given me enough experience to get a vendor based cell phone certification that I can now add to my CV.
Regardless of whether your shop uses commercial or open source tools, getting some extra "seat time" working on previous/practice cases is a great way to improve the confidence/speed at which you work. And being an intern, your supervisor can also act as a trainer/coach.

Meeting New People

It's becoming apparent to me that in DFIR, who you know plays just as an important role as what you know. For example, your business might get a referral from someone you meet at a conference or maybe that someone can help you with some forensic analysis or land a new job.  Being a non-drinking, naturally shy intern monkey, meeting new people can intimidate the crap outta me. However, I also realise that it's a small DFIR world and that we really should make the time to connect with other DFIRers. Even if it's as simple as reading someone's blog post and sending them an email to say thank you. Or perhaps suggesting some improvements for their process/program. FYI Bloggers REALLY appreciate hearing about how their post helped someone.
Your supervisor is also probably friendly with a bunch of other DFIRers. Use the opportunity to make some new acquaintances.

HTCIA Thoughts

I recently spent 2 weeks with my supervisor before heading out to the HTCIA conference. It was the first time we had met in person since I started the internship but because we had already worked together for a while, it felt more like catching up with a friend.
During the first week, I got some hands-on experience imaging hard drives and cell phones (both iPhone/Android) for some practice cases. Having a remote internship meant that this was the first time I got to use this equipment which was kinda cool. I also practiced filling out Chain of Custodys and following various company examination procedures.
During the second week, I got to observe the business side of a private forensics company as we visited some new clients on site. I noticed that private forensics involves more than just technical skills and the ability to explain your analysis. A private forensics company also has to convince prospective clients that they can help and then regularly address any of the client's concerns. This increased level of social interaction was something that I hadn't really thought about previously. The concept of landing/keeping clients is probably the main difference between Law Enforcement and private practice.
As part of my supervisor's plan to improve their public speaking skills, they gave a presentation on Digital Forensics to a local computer user's group. After the main presentation, I talked for 10 minutes on cell phone forensics. Whilst it had been a while since I last talked in public, I was not as nervous as I'd thought I'd be. I think I found it easier because my supervisor gave great presentation and I could kinda base my delivery on theirs. I noticed that an effective presentation involves engaging the audience with questions (ie making them think), keeping a brisk pace and keeping the technical material at an audience appropriate level. The use of humour (eg anecdotes, pictures) can also help with pacing. Later, I would see these same characteristics during the better HTCIA labs.

HTCIA was held this year at the JW Marriott Hotel in Summerlin, Nevada. About a 20 min drive from the Las Vegas strip, you really needed a car otherwise you were kinda stuck at the hotel.
The labs/lectures started on Monday afternoon and ended on Wednesday afternoon.
The first couple of days allowed for plenty of face time with the vendors. Each vendor usually had something to give away. At the start, I *almost* felt guilty about taking the free stuff but towards the end it was more like "what else is up for grabs?" LOL. I probably did not maximise my swag but how many free pens/usb sticks/drink bottles can you really use?

Socially, I probably didn't mix as much as I could have. My supervisor and I spent a fair amount of time working on the new cases whenever we weren't attending labs/lectures. I still managed to meet a few people though and when I was feeling tired/shy I could just hang around my supervisor and just listen in/learn more about the industry. The good thing about forensic conferences is that most of the attendees are fellow geeks and so when there's a lull in the conversation, we can default to shop talk (eg What tools do you use? How did you get started in forensics?).

There were several labs that stood out to me. Listed in chronological order, they were:
Monday PM: Sumuri's "Mac Magic - Solving Cases with Apple Metadata" presented by Steve Whalen. This lab mentioned that Macs have extended metadata attributes which get lost when analysing from non HFS+ platforms. Hence, it's better to use a Mac to investigate another Mac. The lab also covered Spotlight indexing, importers and exiftool. As a novice Mac user, this was all good stuff to know. Steve has a witty and quick delivery but he also took the time and ensured that everyone could follow along with any demos.

Tuesday PM: SANS "Memory Forensics For The Win" presented by Alissa Torres( @sibertor ). Alissa demonstrated Volatility 2.2 on SIFT using a known malware infected memory dump. She also gave out a DVD with SIFT and various malware infected memory captures. Alissa mentioned that the material was taken from a week long course so even with her energetic GO-GO-GO delivery, it was a lot to cover in 1.5 hours. The exercises got students to use Volatility to identify malicious DLLs/processes from a memory image, extract malicious DLLs for further analysis and also inspect an infected registry key. The handout also included the answers which made it easier to follow along/catch up if you fell behind. I had seen Alissa's SANS 360 presentation on Shellbags and Jesse Kornblum'sSANS Webcast on Memory Forensics so I kinda had an inkling of what to expect. But there is just so much to know about how Windows works (eg which processes do what, how process data is stored in memory) that this HTCIA session could be compared to drinking from a fire hose. It would be interesting to see if the pace is a bit more easy going when Alissa teaches "SANS FOR526: Windows Memory Forensics In-Depth". However, I definitely think this session was worth attending - especially as I got a hug after introducing myself :) Or maybe I just need to get out of the basement more often LOL.

Wednesday AM: SANS "Mac Intrusion Lab" presented by Sarah Edwards ( @iamevltwin ). Sarah's talk was enthusiastic, well paced and well thought out - she would discuss the theory and then show corresponding example Macintosh malware artefacts. Sarah covered quite a bit in the 1.5 hours - how to check for badness in installed applications/extensions (drivers), autoruns, Internet history, Java, email, USB and log analysis. Interestingly, she also mentioned that Macs usually get hacked via a Java vulnerability/social engineering. It was good to meet Sarah in person and it also let me figure out the significance of her email address. It looks like her SANS 518 course on Mac and iOS forensics will be a real winner.

Overall, it was an awesome trip visiting my supervisor and a good first conference experience.  Hopefully, I can do it again real soon.
Please feel free to leave a comment about internships and/or the HTCIA conference below.

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